Middle Tennessee's Premier Pressure Washing Company (615) 516-9933

Benefits of Soft Washing

Benefits of Soft Washing

By on Sep 4, 2022 in Blog

Benefits of Soft Washing: Gentle, Environmentally Friendly and Cost Effective

Soft wash is the process of using jets of water to clean fabrics, or garments that are put into a washer with cleaning agents and then agitated like they would be in any other method. The difference between this method and others is how gentle it is on the clothes. Instead of utilizing heat (which can damage clothing), soft wash uses cold water. But the term “soft washing” is a bit misleading, because it actually works well to get dirt out of clothes without damaging fibers. 

There are many benefits to using soft washing rather than conventional methods of cleaning clothes- here are just a few: 

  1. It’s gentle on clothes– Using cold water and agitation, soft washing is much less likely to cause any damage to clothing fibers. This is especially important if you have delicate items or expensive clothes that you don’t want to risk ruining.
    Benefits of Soft Washing

    Benefits of Soft Washing


  2. It’s more environmentally friendly– Because it doesn’t use any heat, soft washing requires much less energy than other methods of cleaning. It also produces significantly less carbon dioxide emissions, making it better for the environment overall. 
  3. It uses less water– Because it’s so effective at getting dirt out of clothes with little water, soft washing services actually uses less water than any other method of cleaning. This is great for those who want to conserve natural resources as well as those who don’t have the time or energy it takes to run a full load in their washer. 
  4. It’s much cheaper– Because soft washing is gentle on clothes, it doesn’t cause need for as many repeat washes, meaning it costs a lot less to clean a whole load of laundry. It’s also cheaper than dry cleaning- so not only is the soft wash method better for the environment, it’s also more cost effective! 
  5. It’s great for getting rid of odors in clothes– Because soft washing removes dirt from clothing without using heat, that means there’s also no risk of damage to fibers or color. It also means that both fresh and old odors are easily removed from garments- which is great if you’re trying to get rid of an old smell on a piece of clothing before donating it or selling it. 
  6. It gets out tough stains– Even if the fabric is treated to be stain resistant, some stains still end up on clothing. When this happens, it can be really difficult to get the spot out without damaging the garment itself. With soft washing, you don’t have to worry about damage- meaning that even tough stains are no challenge for this method of cleaning clothes! 
  7. It can be effective even if clothes are wrinkled– For some people, it can be difficult to get the wrinkles out of their clothes. Even though you might iron them or hang them up until they’re dry, sometimes there’s just no avoiding that slightly wrinkled look! This isn’t a problem when you choose to wash your clothes with soft washing- because it doesn’t use any heat, there’s no risk of damaging the fibers or creating more wrinkles. 
  8. It also doesn’t attack colors– Because soft washing uses cold water to clean the fibers, that means it works gently on all types of color without fading them. This method can be used for virtually any type of fabric, including fabrics that have been treated to resist fading.

    Benefits of Soft Washing

    Benefits of Soft Washing

  9. It’s much simpler than conventional methods– Because soft washing cleans clothes in a similar way to how they would be washed in a regular washer, it takes no longer than any other cleaning method. Soft wash also doesn’t require the use of any extra equipment or special products, meaning there’s nothing complicated about running a load with this method. 
  10. It’s gentle on the environment AND gentle on clothes– Without using any harsh chemicals, soft washing is as effective as it is eco friendly! We all want to be better to the environment, but we also don’t want to put our clothes at risk by using harsh chemicals that cause damage or may be carcinogenic. Soft washing uses only cold water to clean clothes, making it an amazing choice for anyone who wants to save money and do right by the environment all at once!

Soft wash is a great way to get your laundry done without sacrificing quality or damaging clothing.

The Pressure King
103 Lasalle Ct, La Vergne, TN 37086, United States
+1 615-516-9933

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